NOTE: All pages are mainly focused on desktop view, so when on mobile please be sure ”Desktop view” is turned on.

On this page you will find an In-Depth Battle Chart detailing all the fightable monsters in the game. 
Use this information to your advantage and win those Head-to-Heads!

''Flash and Sonic Bombs do not work on Raged monsters''
''Also, Rage takes Priority"
#001 Aptonoth
#002 Larinoth
#004 Velociprey
#005 Velocidrome
#006 Kulu-Ya-Ku
#007 Bnahabra (Blue)
#008 Konchu (Yellow)
#009 Yian-Kut-Ku
#010 Bullfango
#011 Bulldrome
#012 Pukei-Pukei
#013 Apceros
#014 Slagtoth (Green)
#015 Gargwa
#016 Jaggi
#017 Jaggia
#018 Great Jaggi
#019 Ludroth
#020 Royal Ludroth
#021 Tetsucabra
#022 Arzuros
#023 Qurupeco
#024 Blue Yian-Kut-Ku
#025 Tigrex
#026 Monoblos
#027 Paolumu
#028 Basarios
#029 Yian Garuga
#030 Duramboros
#031 Nargacuga
#032 Rathian
#033 Popo
#034 Konchu (Blue)
#035 Bnahabra (Green)
#036 Conga
#037 Congalala
#038 Baggi
#039 Great Baggi
#040 Kecha Wacha
#041 Gypceros
#042 Zamite
#043 Zamtrios
#044 Nerscylla
#045 Barroth
#046 Tobi-Kadachi
#047 Khezu
#048 Red Khezu
#049 Seltas
#050 Seltas Queen
#051 Lagombi
#052 Jade Barroth
#053 Anjanath
#054 Gammoth
#055 Zinogre
#056 Barioth
#057 Legiana
#058 Slagtoth (Brown)
#059 Bnahabra (Brown)
#060 Konchu (Red)
#061 Cephalos
#062 Hermitaur
#063 Uroktor
#064 Ioprey
#065 Iodrome
#066 Genprey
#067 Gendrome
#068 Plesioth
#069 Cephadrome
#070 Ash Kecha Wacha
#071 Purple Gypceros
#072 Green Nargacuga
#073 Diablos
#074 Black Diablos
#075 White Monoblos
#076 Crimsom Qurupeco
#077 Mizutsune
#078 Lagiacrus
#079 Uragaan
#080 Daimyo Hermitaur
#081 Plum Daimyo Hermitaur
#082 Brute Tigrex
#083 Purple Ludroth
#084 Ruby Basarios
#085 Gravios
#086 Altaroth
#087 Great Thunderbug
#088 Kunchu (Green)
#089 Shakalaka
#090 Desert Seltas Queen
#091 Green Plesioth
#092 Shrouded Nerscylla
#093 Emerald Congalala
#094 Agnaktor
#095 Black Gravios
#096 Ivory Lagiacrus
#097 Brachydios
#098 Nergigante
#099 Astalos
#100 Glavenus
#101 Glacial Agnaktor
#102 Bazelgeuse
#103 Remobra
#104 Great Dracophage Bug
#105 Bhanabra (Red)
#106 Vespoid
#107 Sand Barioth
#108 Deviljho
#109 Stygian Zinogre
#110 Seregios
#111 Barrel Felne
#112 Rathalos
#113 Azure Rathalos
#114 Pink Rathian
#115 Fulgur Anjanath
#116 Silverwind Nargacuga
#117 Thunderlord Zinogre
#118 Bloodbath Diablos
#119 Grimclaw Tigrex
#120 Dreadqueen Rathian
#121 Kirin
#122 Teostra
#123 Rajang
#124 Kushala Daora
#125 Velkana
#126 Boltreaver Astalos
#127 Hellblade Glavenus
#128-1 Kulve Taroth (Mantle)
#128-2 Kulve Taroth
#129 Elderfrost Gammoth
#130 Soulseer Mizutsune
#131 Oroshi Kirin
#132 Molten Tigrex
#133 Dreadking Rathalos
#134 Gold Rathian
#135 Silver Rathalos
#EX Fatalis